The Vision
by Heather Hennick
Buy the Original Painting
18.000 x 18.000 inches
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The Vision
Heather Hennick
Painting - Beeswax, Damar Resin, Sand, On Birch Wood Panel
The process, the vision, the result. It is what it is. When I awoke this glorious morning, I knew it was done.
It was a blessing to move on. I am grateful.
February 1st, 2009
Comments (5)
Heather Hennick
thank you dear Cher...please do go on...I DO appreciate being talked to. I did paint this as a conversation with myself but when I hear the voices of others, how sweet.
Cher Odum
You feel secure, loved and able to communicate that to others. Oh, and your intuitive powers are strengthening . . . the blue color of the third eye chakra is mingled in with the throat chakra color. I could go on an on bout what all I see in this painting, but I don't think I have enough space. :-) Ha, ha . . . I needed two spaces as it was!
Cher Odum
The red flowers jump off the page as I look at this. You have all of the chakras covered in this painting. Something is trying to be communicated in this, with the color of the throat chakra moving throughout. The pink and green indicate loving, peaceful energy and the red is telling me you're feeling well rooted where you are and in what you're doing.