Rhapsody of Joy
by Heather Hennick
Buy the Original Painting
36.000 x 36.000 inches
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Rhapsody of Joy
Heather Hennick
Painting - Wool On Wool
This wool fiber felting entirely in 100% sheep wool on 100% wool panel
It is a story created through the process of active meditation. I spontaneously followed my heart to create the piece. My higher power guided my energy to manifest this visual poem of my authentic personal expression. I hope you enjoy it as much as enjoyed creating it. Also, with the help of fellow FAA artists, I was able to find a title that indeed feels perfect.
March 26th, 2012
Comments (8)
Femina Photo Art
Oh, I just read Marlene's post about it exuding life - how about "Child's View of Garden of Eden"...? Anyway, you've got my f/v :)